
Showing posts from November, 2020

Holotype tracker for Philippine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

[Main] [Weevils of PH] This tracker is created to assist researchers who are interested in studying the holotypes of Philippine weevil species. The following is not a full list, but shall be constantly updated. The information presented here are based only on the publications listed under the references. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) defines a "holotype" as "the single specimen upon which a new nominal species-group taxon is based in the original publication" (Chapter 16, Article 73.1, reference 16). The Wildlife Export Certification issued by the DENR for specimens that are transported outside of the country states that:  "Further, upon completion of the Research purposes, representatives of all the species collected, excluding holotypes may be retained on deposit with the [foreign university] and all remaining specimens including holotypes shall be returned to the Philippines and deposited at the National Museum of the Philippines

Notes 4: Weevil species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Philippines declared as "new" by some researchers in 2019

[Main] [Bakukang, et al. Notes] Due to some suspicious methods and doubtful data observed on recently published "new" species in 2020 such as Metapocyrtus latifasciatus , M. tagabawa , M. pulangi , and Pachyrhynchus mindoroensis ,  the species listed below which have been declared by some researchers as "new" in 2019 from the Philippines shall be subjected to scrutiny to ensure that data presented for each species is accurate and verifiable. Locality data is easily verifiable if publications presented control numbers of government-issued permits such as the Wildlife Gratuitous Permit, Local Transport Permit (if interprovincial transport occurred), and Wildlife Export Certification (if specimens were transported outside of the Philippines, such as Europe). Evaluating the articles listed in the references may reveal how these specimens were acquired and transported if currently deposited outside of the country. Such details can be helpful in tracing the documentatio